Broad-Bodied Chaser

Broad-Bodied Chaser
Wing Mosaic (Broad-bodied Chaser): Winner, Nikon In-Frame Competition August 2010


Cormorant: Winner, Attention to Detail, Bird Photographer of the Year 2017

Friday 6 September 2024

Collared Flycatcher at Spurn - May 2024

After an early morning drop-off at Potteric Carr in South Yorskhire I headed on towards North Cave for a mornings birding.  Just before pulling off the M62, news broke of a Collared Flycatcher trapped, ringed and released at Spurn. And it was a cracking male, one of my most wanted birds. I just kept driving with Kilnsea just over an hour away.

Although it had been seen since release, it hadn't been relocated for some time.  It also started to rain heavily, although this meant it probably wouldn't move too far.  After an hour it was refound along the hedge of a nearby field and was watched in the pouring rain for about an hour.

Following a visit to the cafe to dry out it stopped raining. Although never particularly close, the bird showed well for the rest of the afternoon.

Thanks for looking.

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